Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Turn Coat

To Durin

Jim Butcher

(Conjure at your own peril!)

Ooohhyahh! I have a signed copy of Jim Butcher's new book Turn Coat.

I really like Jim Butcher's sense of humor and it really shows in his writing.

Read the Dresden Files! You will not be disapointed.


Rich said...

Dresdin files eh? I'll check that out...eventually. I have a pretty big stack right now. Thanks for the tip!

Rich said...

New post please.

Btw, how ru old friend?

Oh hey, guess what? Looks like I'm going to sit down with some friends and play a pnp rpg soon! I haven't done that for like...oh....13 years. Yikes! Time goes by too fast!!